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On racing in tutus and other things girly:)

As most of you know, I enjoy running in some type of “costume”.  I think the main reason that I love running in something other than regular old running shorts is because my first half marathon was at Disneyland.  If you have ever ran a Disney race before, you know what I mean when I say there is nothing quite like running a Disney race.  Almost everyone is in costume; some costumes are very elaborate.  I love running in costume because it is just plain fun!  Running is serious business, and I feel like dressing in something other than my running shorts makes the whole thing a little more light-hearted ❤

Outside of Disneyland, I still love to run in a tutu or sparkly skirt.  My mission is to make other people smile and have a great time, too!  I love hearing other runners compliment my outfit or people cheering from the sidelines.  What is running if you can’t have some fun with it?  Most days, running is hard for me.  Training runs are just that.  Running and completing a Half Marathon is nothing short of a miracle for me, and I think that making others happy is part of why God has chosen for me to run:)

I own several different brands of sparkly skirts and tutus.  My tutus are by far the lightest thing to run in, and I think my favorite so far.  If you are looking for your own sparkly attire, check out these sites:

Race Junkie on Etsy

I also love running in some sort of fun knee sock inspired by whatever race I am participating in.  Usually, I can find some fun themed knee socks at Target or JoAnn’s.  The latest and greatest thing I just purchased are called “racing legs.”  These are available from Team-Sparkle and come in many different designs for $12 a pair.  They are something like a leg warmer.  I just tried my race legs out yesterday, and the verdict is:  I love them!  The great thing about the race legs is that it allows you to wear your favorite running socks, but still look really cute and fashionable;)  Mine read:  “I can fly” with Tinkerbell wings.  They are super cute and warm.  Depending on the race theme, I have also been known to wear Minnie Mouse ears and fairy wings.  If not wearing ears, you can usually find me in a glittery or sequined coordinating headband!

Well, next time you see me on course, I will be sporting something fun.  I hope that you smile when you see me, and I would love to see you sporting something sparkly or fluffy, too.  Running in a skirt just makes you faster:)


Tinkerbell Half Marathon, January, 2012


Madison and Me, Freedom Fest 5K, July 4, 2012


Disneyland Half Marathon, September, 2012

About koalanotabear

I am a wife, mom to 5 kidlets, proud business owner, stay at home mommy, runner, and on fire for Christ! Follow along my running adventures and my crazy daily life. I wouldn't change any of it for a minute!

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